My master bath has been like an neglected step-child since we moved into our home. The inspiration just never hit me. I wanted a spa feel but let's be honest I had never been to a spa so this was a guessing game. It was bad, I mean no towel rack, no cute towels nothing, nada. Then I was at Marshall's one day and fell in love with these cute "french bee" towels. Talking husband into these was like pulling teeth, he just wasn't "feeling" the whole bee thing. Ok got him talked into that one, whew! Now what? I pulled the large fleur de lis from my shop, something I rarely do but always thought would be great. Ok now we have kinda a "french spa" thing going on here (I am only guessing there are elaborate spas in France...I don't know this for sure). Then there was the problem of the empty spaces on the deck of my huge tub (which husband had to have, but never uses). I wanted pictures, but was always afraid to spend the money because I wasn't sure how they would hold up admist all the steam so I went shopping...at home. I found these ivory glazed frames in my hope chest from years back and had some vacation photos copied, then I filled my apothocary jars and thought I was done, then I found these monograms on etsy but couldn't wait to order one so I was off to Hobby Lobby to make my own and $3.00 later...done! I was so excited, I found this french inspired scrapbook paper that had the word Lyon on it, so not only is it my initial but it has my whole last name on it, how cool is that? My master bath is now complete and ready for a relaxing soak.