Saturday, February 9, 2008

A few of my favorite things...

I wanted to share my two favorite things that I sell in my store. The Jesus bust is created by a local artist and is actually made of burlap. They are breathtaking and so unique. If you can believe it these pictures don't do them justice. Then there is the whole "candle pin" concept that I fell in love with on a short vacation last year. I can't keep these in stock. They are made of metal and you heat them a bit then insert them in your favorite candle. They look beautiful alone or on a candlestick as shown here. Hope you enjoy your weekend. It is 70degrees here in Oklahoma so I am thanking God for the beautiful weather, unfortunately a cold front is headed our way for next week so I am off to enjoy it while it lasts. God Bless


1 comment:

sherri said...

Oh my goodness!! It's beautiful - truly a work of art. I love it :)
I can see why it is a Favorite - and I love the Celtic pin on the other post - especially since I am Irish!!!
Hugs friend! xo Sherri